We at bushcables can now provide a set for the comp safari A heavy duty set !!!
We have no hard and fast rules on the set but this gives you some idea what we think the set should contain.
Gavlanised turnbuckles x 2 M6
4mm stainless steel cable with the set .
4 x stainless steel eyes m6 +bolts to secure them with.
Plus stainless steel wire clamps M6
Plus heat shrink to make a nice neet job.
Plus if you need a set of my www.Bushcables.com graphics let me know when you order and what colour RED YELLOW.
But you lads you know what you need ,drop me a email and tell me what you require in your set !!!
Prices are updated daily on our prices page,please visit it for the very best price on our full range. or go on the link to ebay .