
Where to find us:


17 Brander grove,

Leeds 9,


Phone: +44 

07593 124664

Owner            Kurt Watson


We have been in business  since 1997.

Business hours we work 8am until 21.00

We are online from 0700 until 21.00

Bushcable We are proud to put our name on all our sets of Bushcables!

Expanded business hours

We're now open earlier to serve you better.

What's new?

New on line you can go stright to our ebay shop .


kurt388 on eBay





We have now put a link to our ebay shop ,so buy the set you want after selecting it from our full range .

Brackets to enable you to fit Bushcables without a bullbar.

Disco Brackets

We can now provide our Discovery brackets to enable you to fit Bushcables to your 4x4 without the need for a Bullbar.
Although these are marketed as Discovery brackets, these will fit many other makes and models of 4x4 vehicles. If any doubt, please email for free advice on them.

These brackets are made from Stainless steel and come with eyes + stainless steel bolts to fix them to the wing.

The prices for the brackets is updated daily on our prices page.


Discovery brackets fitted with the open turnbuckles
Our brackets sets are made in Leeds,England

The very latest prices are on our prices  page.

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2002 © KurtWatson All rights reserved. The content of this website or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in articles about Bushcables.